The classic German brand AEG is today one of the most important within the Electrolux Group, which offers premium AEG appliances in various European and Asian markets. The story behind the brand involves the rise and fall of one of the world’s largest companies, but above all several world-changing innovations, such as the first electric refrigerator and the first heat pump technology for tumble dryers.

44 products
Showing 1 - 44 of 44 products
AEG’s journey from global electrics giant to major appliance brand
Showing 1 - 44 of 44 products
Save $980.00

AEG DGE3650HB 50 cm integrált hatótávolság sötét rozsdamentes
Sale price$559.00
Regular price$1,539.00
In stockSave $560.00

Aeg bee455010m 60cm 8 funkció steambake sütő programozható időzítő és hármas mázas ajtó
Sale price$939.00
Regular price$1,499.00
In stockSave $240.00

AEG DGE5662HB 52cm Intergrated Rangehood in Dark Stainless Steel with Power Boost
Sale price$959.00
Regular price$1,199.00
In stockSave $649.00

AEG DPB5950MA 90cm Stainless Steel Slideout Rangehood
Sale price$999.00
Regular price$1,648.00
In stockSave $420.00

AEG BEB231012M 60cm Electric Oven Stainless Steel
Sale price$1,119.00
Regular price$1,539.00
In stockSave $435.00

AEG LF7384O4C 7000 Series Front Load Washing Machine
Sale price$1,159.00
Regular price$1,594.00
In stockSave $450.00

AEG KDK911424M 14cm Stainless Steel Warming Drawer
Sale price$1,199.00
Regular price$1,649.00
In stockSave $1,000.00

AEG DBE7980HB 90 cm-es tetőtér, sötét, rozsdamentes acél
Sale price$1,199.00
Regular price$2,199.00
In stockSave $450.00

Aeg dge7670hb 52cm integrált távolsági sötét rozsdamentes
Sale price$1,199.00
Regular price$1,649.00
In stockSave $1,400.00

AEG DVK6981HB 90cm fekete falra szerelhető ernyő
Sale price$1,299.00
Regular price$2,699.00
In stockSave $510.00

AEG LF6ES8431A 8kg 6000 Series Front Load Washing Machine with ProSense Technology
Sale price$1,359.00
Regular price$1,869.00
In stockSave $510.00

AEG KDK911424T -14cm Built-In Warming Drawer Matte Black
Sale price$1,359.00
Regular price$1,869.00
In stockSave $850.00

AEG LF8C9412AC 9KG 8000 Series Front Load Washing Machine with OKOMix Technology
Sale price$1,399.00
Regular price$2,249.00
In stockSave $600.00

AEG LF8584M8O 8kg 8000 Series Front Load Washer with UniversalDose
Sale price$1,599.00
Regular price$2,199.00
In stockSave $600.00

AEG LF8C8412A 8kg 8000 Series Front Load Washing Machine with OKOMix Technology
Sale price$1,599.00
Regular price$2,199.00
In stockSave $615.00

AEG LF8516O8O 10kg Front Load Washing Machine Universal Dose system
Sale price$1,639.00
Regular price$2,254.00
In stockSave $1,650.00

AEG KPK742220M 45CM Sensecook Pyroluxe™ Multi-function Oven
Sale price$1,649.00
Regular price$3,299.00
In stockSave $627.00

Aeg bpk535060b 60cm pyroluxe™Többfunkciós 9 sütő fekete
Sale price$1,672.00
Regular price$2,299.00
In stockSave $655.00

AEG DGR9960HB 86CM Csendes integrált hatótáv DR20 motorral
Sale price$1,744.00
Regular price$2,399.00
In stockSave $709.00

AEG T8DHC876C 8kg 9000 Series Heat Pump Dryer with 3D-Scan technology
Sale price$1,890.00
Regular price$2,599.00
In stockSave $2,070.00

AEG KSK782220M 45cm Compact Combi-Steam Built-In Oven
Sale price$1,999.00
Regular price$4,069.00
In stockSave $764.00

AEG LF9C1612AQ 10kg 9000 Series Front Load Washing Machine
Sale price$2,035.00
Regular price$2,799.00
In stockSave $810.00

AEG BPK742320M 60cm Sensecook Pyrolux Sütő. 7332543559268 *
Sale price$2,159.00
Regular price$2,969.00
In stockSave $840.00

AEG LF9516O8Q 10kg 9000 Series Front Load Washing Machine
Sale price$2,239.00
Regular price$3,079.00
In stockSave $900.00

AEG T959M6ORS 9000 Series 9kg 3D-Scan Heat Pump Dryer
Sale price$2,399.00
Regular price$3,299.00
In stockSave $900.00

AEG KMK76208PT 450mm Compact CombiQuick Microwave Oven Matte Black
Sale price$2,399.00
Regular price$3,299.00
In stockSave $930.00

AEG L8WEC166R 10kg/6kg Front Load Washer and Dryer Combo
Sale price$2,479.00
Regular price$3,409.00
In stockSave $3,250.00

AEG KSK99733PT 45CM Steampro Compact Built-In Oven
Sale price$2,799.00
Regular price$6,049.00
In stockSave $1,080.00

AEG BSK77238PT 60cm Steamcrisp Pyroluxe MultiFunction 19 Oven Matte Black
Sale price$2,879.00
Regular price$3,959.00
In stockSave $1,400.00

AEG LWX9A9613C 9kg Front Load Washing Machine With 5kg Heat Pump Dryer
Sale price$2,999.00
Regular price$4,399.00
In stockSave $1,200.00

AEG KDK911423T PrecisionVac™ Vacuum Sealer Drawer Matte Black
Sale price$3,199.00
Regular price$4,399.00
In stockSave $1,290.00

AEG KSK792220M 45cm Stainless Steel Prosteam Oven
Sale price$3,439.00
Regular price$4,729.00
In stockSave $1,350.00

AEG IAE84851FB 80 cm-es Sensefry 4 zónás indukciós főzőlap
Sale price$3,599.00
Regular price$4,949.00
In stockSave $2,043.00

Aeg bpk75891pt-900mm sensecook pyroluxe multifunkciós 16 sütő *
Sale price$3,599.00
Regular price$5,642.00
In stockSave $2,050.00

AEG IAE84881XB 80 cm-es Sensepro 4 zónás indukciós főzőlap
Sale price$3,999.00
Regular price$6,049.00
In stockSave $1,200.00

AEG BSK99733PT 60 cm Steampro többfunkciós 25 sütő Steamify® matt fekete
Sale price$4,799.00
Regular price$5,999.00
In stock
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