Perilica rublja Ariston N84WAU 8 kg

Save $204.00

Sale price$695.00 Regular price$899.00

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Brand New, Factory second. Brand new with Manufacturers Guarantee. May have a cosmetic blemish, With Manufacturers Guarantee, not in original packaging. Instore inspection welcome.


Ariston 8 kg N84WAU Perilica rublja s prednjim punjenjem i parnom asistencijom

  • Koristi tehnologiju Digital Motion za uklanjanje različitih vrsta mrlja na odjeći pomoću 10 jedinstvenih pokreta
  • Nudi 16 programa pranja, uključujući osvježavanje parom, košulje, bijelo, osjetljivo rublje, vunu i antialergijsko pranje prema vašim potrebama
  • Senzor za automatsko punjenje neovisno prilagođava trajanje pranja ovisno o težini rublja
  • Tehnologija Stop and Add omogućuje vam da stavite zaboravljeni komad odjeće tijekom ciklusa koji je u tijeku
  • Funkcija Final Care pere odjeću koristeći posebnu akciju vrtnje na kraju ciklusa kako bi se spriječilo gužvanje

  • Energetska ocjena 4
  • Ocjena vode 4,5
  • Vrsta motora Dinamički invertorski motor bez četkica
  • Broj programa 15



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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ariston front loader non-existent quality assurance, even worse after sales support

Don’t buy this product. We bought a new Ariston - N84WAU at Harvey Norman in May 2021. From the beginning it banged incessantly despite our efforts to stabilise it – thinking it wasn’t level. In Feb 24 after it started leaking rusty water we put through an online request for warranty service. Weeks later we got a reply to say the service would be arranged through a local agent. Weeks after that (end of April) someone finally came to look at it.
I don’t see how it could even pass inspection – half of the numbers on the front of the machine are missing – which anyone with eyes can see is a fault. Worse, the machine didn’t have all the required stabilisers! It is missing key parts!
In August 2024 after pushing them, they finally sent confirmation the machine would be replaced. We asked who will deliver it and who will install the machine because we do not have the capability to install a heavy washing machine. Further, given there are core parts missing from the brand new machine we purchased we thought it wise to have someone confirm the replacement machine does not have the same problem. Of course they said no so basically if we couldn’t do it we would have to shell out more money to pay someone – really great service.
It’s now January 2025 and no sign of the promised replacement. Frankly we’d rather have our money back because there’s clearly no quality assurance and we don’t want to go through this again